Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday's Thank You Notes #2 (5/13/11)

Jimmy Fallon has a segment on his Late Night show called Thank You Notes every Friday. He, along with his writers, thank people/objects on a weekly basis. Pretty witty stuff. 

I've been doing attempting something similar since last week. Every Friday I'll make a list of silly and serious thank you's while also posting a homemade thank you card. Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!!
A nerdy thank you card.
A million thanks!
I know the bananas seem out of place, but they're spelling out a "K" and K=potassium. har har 
-earphones, for giving me the chance to look like I'm listening to music when I'm not so I can eavesdrop on surrounding conversations.

-science and technology, for succeeding in the first full face transplant in the U.S. Two months later, Dallas Wiens can now smell!

-hand sanitizer, for only removing 99.9% of germs. If I get sick, I know who deserves a death glare. Achoo.

-the kitchen sink. I just wanted to express my gratitude because everyone seems to be forgetting you.

-Duane Reade, for selling this tissue box. It's 75% tree-free AND it has designs. Thanks for making the act of blowing my nose that much more hip.

-train of thought...Oh wait, where'd you go?

-for reading this. You rock.

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