Saturday, August 4, 2012


The Elevated Envelope

I signed up to be a part of The Elevated Envelope project. It's a penpal project that allows strangers from around the world to send handmade envelopes to one another. The creator and organizer, Tara, put us into groups of 4 or 10-ish (depending on how ambitious we were) and we sent envelopes to the people in our group . I was obviously not very ambitious so I chose to be put in a group with 3 other people. The theme our group was given was "sweet" so all of my envelopes deal with sweets. I wish I didn't procrastinate and make my envelopes a few days before the deadline because my envelopes sure look janky, heehee. If you look at Tara's blog, you'll see the lovely envelope creations that other people have made. It's really inspiring :)