Monday, December 6, 2010

It's really cold outside.

It's so cold outside, BUT it's not snowing yet in my state so I absolutely REFUSE to bust out the big winter jacket. Until it snows I am going to continue to wear my peacoat.
<end of rant, directed at woman with gigantic purple bubble jacket>

La di da~let's talk about hot beverages.

Hot Chocolate from Pastiche
I don't like coffee, but I really wish I could learn to like coffee because I like the idea of coffee. It's a morning pick-me-up, an energy booster. Donut shops and sandwich shops strive if they sell good coffee. Most of all, coffee brings people together. Co-workers meet in the break room to pour themselves a cup of coffee.  People meet over coffee.
"Dexter, is that you? Did you just move here?"
"Wow! Yeah. It's been so long."
"Yeah, it has been way too long. Let's catch up. Coffee sometime?"
"Sounds good!"

No one says, "Hey, long time no see. Let's catch up over orange juice."

There's a sense of unity, of togetherness,  if you hold the same Styrofoam coffee. Or an interesting mug.

Coffee is warm. Coffee is soothing. Coffee is comforting.

With that, here is a card constructed from various papers. You can't tell from the photo, but the paper is textured. A.C. Moore, I love you. Michaels, I like you too.


  1. coffee is great, especially the seasonal ones from starbucks, except they are really bad for you and like a bajillion calories. this reminds me of the coffee mug calligraphy drawing you did! was that coffee or tea?

  2. I got one of these cards!!!!

  3. Aww, thanks FF! Starbucks...I just tried their Peppermint chocolate something something? and it was goooood. And yes, it's just like that coffee calligraphy thing I did.
