Saturday, January 8, 2011

What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?

I know these cards are out of season (just a tad), but they're centered around two popular TV shows!

 Q: What do you call a person who poisons corn flakes?
A: A cereal killer!!

The Dexter in this card is modeled after the Season 1 promotion posters and he is made entirely out of scraps of paper...well...except for his eyes. Google Images and my handy dandy printer helped me with those eyes.

Q: Why do mummies have trouble making friends?

A: They're so wrapped up in themselves!

Glee has nothing to do with pigs, but my one friend loves pigs and loves Glee so I put the two together. The bat and the autumn colors wanted to join in to make it more Halloween-like. Yes, that little squealing Geico piggy is holding green pinwheels.
All jokes courtesy of this website. You didn't think I could write jokes, did you??

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