Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday's Thank You Notes #6 (6/10/11)

Every Friday I'll make a list of silly and serious thank you's while also posting a homemade thank you card. This week's card isn't really a thank you card; it's an ode to summer and the ridiculous heat we've been getting.
...Skittles, for teaching me how to taste the rainbow! I usually tell people I have synesthesia. 

...M&M's, for melting in my hand yesterday. You lied to me!

...Starburst candy, for tricking me into thinking I won a vacation by writing CONGRATULATIONS on the inside of your wrapper. Unfortunately, you used that whole contradiction bit and wrote, "How's that for a contradiction?" Why would you do that to me??

...Kit Kats for being the only candy I wished for on many Halloween nights of my childhood. I do have to confess that I don't always break you off--I eat both at the same time. Sometimes I just can't help myself and I need to devour you.

...Mentos...mmm mixed with soda...

...for reading. Have a wonderful weekend!

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