Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday's Thank You Notes #1 (5/6/11)

Jimmy Fallon has a segment on his Late Night show called Thank You Notes every Friday. He, along with his writers, thank people/objects on a weekly basis. He's thanked everything/everyone from slow walking families on the sidewalk to light bulbs to Hilary Clinton. Check out the one from last week here. Pretty witty stuff. They're actually coming out with a book! So excited! I thought I could do attempt something similar while also posting a homemade thank you card each Friday!! Silly thank you's mixed in with the serious.
Hole-punched yellow paper=tennis balls!
-busy people on the sidewalk, for not noticing when I trip on a flat surface. I don't even have to do that "I meant to do that" face.

-vibrate function on my phone, for being louder than my ringtone. 

-people who move from the next seat over to a farther seat on the bus/train. Yeah, I guess we both have more room to stretch now, but you also just made me feel like I have massive amounts of green fungus growing on me or something.

-the movie, Water for Elephants, for giving recognition to all of the animal performers by crediting each by name in the end credits.
Credit: here

-person who took the last cookie in a batch without asking. That just makes one less person I need to befriend.

-dust. I know I can count on you to always be there.

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